How To Know When Your Gutters Need Help

Keeping an eye on your guttering is often not something that people do by default. They tend to hide in plain sight, unnoticed until something goes wrong. Unchecked gutters can lead to issues however, so it is important to watch out for them.

Your gutters play an important role in protecting your home from water damage. Without gutters, rainwater would pour off of your roof and pool around your foundation, causing serious damage to your home. That’s why it’s important to keep your gutters clean and in good repair. If you see anything amiss, it’s important to get them checked before they become a real problem for you and your house.

Things to be Mindful of

There’s a chance that your gutters may not be showing any signs of decay or issue. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is fine. Even if things are fine, that doesn’t necessarily mean your gutters don’t need a look at. 

First of all, how old are your gutters? If your gutters are more than 20 years old, it’s probably time for an upgrade. At the very least it is definitely time for a checkup.

Can you see visible leaves, weeds or debris poking out of your gutters? If you can see these, then your gutters don’t necessarily need replacing, but they definitely need a clean. You can do this using a hose and a small shovel.


If you see cracks or holes in your gutters, it is important to have them dealt with as soon as possible as it means that water is leaking through and not being properly drained away from your home. This can lead to water damage to your foundation, walls, and roof. 

They might not do much damage to begin with, but if left unchecked they could become a larger problem. Keep an eye out on rainy days, as while large cracks can be obvious, smaller ones might not show themselves until rain begins to leak through them. 

You can give sealing these cracks a go, repairing cracked gutters is very much doable. However, if you’re beginning to notice lots of cracks in your guttering, it would probably be better to cut your losses and get them replaced.


If your gutters are sagging or pulling away from your home, it means that they are no longer properly attached. This can be caused by a number of things, including damage to your fascia board or often, by a build-up of debris in the gutters, which makes them heavier and puts strain on the gutters’ supports. This can cause them to come crashing down during a storm, which can cause serious damage to your home. 

Sagging gutters don’t necessarily mean the entire thing needs replacing. Check the gutters for any debris that may be causing them to sag. If you find any leaves or other debris, remove it and see if that fixes the problem. If the gutters are still sagging, you may need to replace some of the hardware.

Check the brackets that hold the gutter in place and see if any of them are loose or broken. If so, tighten them or replace them with new ones. Finally, if all else fails, it may be time to replace the entire gutter system.

Rust or Peeling

One way to tell if your gutters need to be replaced is by inspecting them for rust. If your gutters are made of metal, they will eventually start to rust. Rust can cause the gutters to weaken and eventually break. If you see any rust on your gutters, it’s a good indication that they’re past their prime and need to be replaced.

Additionally, if your house is painted and you can see the paint beginning to peel around your gutters, this is probably a good sign that something is up. Similarly, the paint on your guttering itself is meant to last through all seasons. As they grow older you may begin to notice that paint peeling and the gutters rusting. This is a very good sign that it is probably time to get your gutters checked and probably replaced.

Water Stains or Damage

If you notice water stains on your ceilings or walls, it’s probably a good indication that your gutters are no longer doing their job. When gutters become clogged, the water has nowhere to go but down the side of your house. This can cause water damage to your siding, as well as your ceilings and walls.

Similarly, if you notice water damage to your foundation, it’s a sign that your gutters are no longer properly draining water away from your home. When gutters become clogged or damaged, the water can pool around your foundation and cause cracking or even flooding. If you notice that there is always a pool of water around your home, even when it hasn’t rained in days, your gutters probably need some help.


Another way to tell if your gutters need to be replaced is by inspecting them for leaks

If your gutters are leaking, it’s time to replace them. Leaks can be caused by a number of factors, including holes, cracks, or a build-up of debris.

You may often see leaking begin around the seams of your gutter, which are the vulnerable areas where two sections of your gutter intersect. Once gutters begin to leak like this from the seams, there is a growing chance that your gutters burst open and need replacing.

Even before it has gotten to the bursting open stage, if you see any signs of leaking around your gutters, it’s a good indication that your gutters are no longer functioning properly and need to be replaced.


It’s inevitable. Every home will experience a clogged gutter at some point. If your gutters are clogged with debris, they can’t properly drain water away from your home. Clogged gutters don’t always lead to new gutters all together, but if left unchecked they can cause water to back up and spill over the sides, which can damage your home’s siding and foundation. 

The first step you can take to deal with clogged gutters is to remove any loose debris from the gutters. You can use a garden hose to spray them out, or simply scoop the debris out by hand. Once the loose debris is gone, it’s time to tackle the tougher stuff. You’ll need a ladder for this part. First, try using a plunger to push the clog through. If that doesn’t work, you can try using a plumbing snake or an auger.

If the clog is simply refusing to fix itself, this is when you should consider hiring professional help. Have someone come in to have a look, maybe they can fix it, alternatively, you may end up having to replace part of the gutter.


If you see mold or mildew on your gutters, it means that they are not properly draining water away from your home. This can lead to water damage to your foundation, walls, and roof. Finding rot in the wood of your house is generally a sign that water has gotten into it somehow and you should probably give your gutters a check. Make sure to check your gutters fast and address the situation before it becomes a much larger problem.

If your gutter is causing rot, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. First, you need to identify where the water is coming from and how it’s getting into your home. Once you’ve done that, you can repair the gutters or install new ones. Finally, you need to make sure that the gutters are properly maintained so that they don’t cause any further damage.

What to do

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to replace your gutters. Gutters are an important part of your home’s exterior, and they play a vital role in protecting your home from water damage. If you’re not sure whether your gutters need to be replaced, or if you think they do but aren’t sure what to do about it, it’s a good idea to call a guttering expert. A professional will be able to take a close look at your gutters and give you an expert opinion on whether or not they need to be replaced. Don’t wait until it’s too late to replace your gutters – call a professional today.

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